In the towns of Heraklion, Rethymno, Chania and Agios Nikolaos and in all the big towns of the island and in many picturesque mountainous villages visitors will find a wide range of shops selling local products such as the excellent Cretan honey, the famous Cretan Wines and the tasty local cheeses (which are known all over Greece). Shops selling leather goods of high quality can also be found as well as shops proposing copper, bronze, terracotta and wooden items. Crete Shopping is an experience not to be missed.
Local embroideries and hand wooden articles can also be found in various shops and particularly in the villages of Zaro (prefecture of Heraklion), Kritsa (prefecture of Lassithi), Anogia and Zoniana (prefecture of Rethymno) which are specialised in the confectionary of those beautiful pieces of art.

Especially beautiful potteries can be bought from the village of Margarites (prefecture of Rethymno) as well as in other mountainous villages and in all the capital of the 4 prefectures. Wood carved objects of great beauty can also be found in those towns and in the many picturesque mountainous villages of Crete. Tourist shops selling various souvenirs and beach equipments are available in all the major towns and in the touristy resorts of Crete. This site is a guide about Crete Shopping.